Libra Solar Eclipse 2024: Say Yes

The last eclipse of 2024 is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, exact on October 2nd. Not only is it a fresh start for relationships of all kinds, there’s an emphasis on emotional stability through communication… So enjoy this burst of energy for connecting with others and moving forward and don’t overthink it: Just say yes. 

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Pisces Lunar Eclipse 2024: Office Space

We all need a breakdown now and then—and this is exactly what’s called for at the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th. So freak out if you have to. Go ahead, have a meltdown. Have a drink. Cry a little bit. But most important now? Forgive—especially yourself. And as they say in Disney’s “Frozen”: Let It GO. That’s the lesson of this Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.

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Venus Retrograde in Leo: Real Things and Summer Flings

When it comes to Venus in Leo? There’s no such thing as gray areas when it comes to Love: you either want me or you don’t. So when Venus moves retrograde in Leo from July 22 - September 3, we’re prone to suffer undue feelings of insecurity in relationships. But if you want to get the most out of this Venus retrograde? Examine your fears or hangups when it comes to Commitment. It’ll be well worth it.

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Aries Solar Eclipse 2023: Selfishly Self-Aware

Where are we being too selfish? Where are we not being selfish enough? This Solar Eclipse in Aries is extreme—but stopping to pause & answer these questions honestly is key, if you want to channel the impulsivity & restlessness of this New Beginning wisely. Otherwise you risk being like Tracy Flick—riding roughshod over others at the expense of doing/getting what we want for ourselves—or, if we convince ourselves our lives are perfect, ending up like Mr. M, rushing unwittingly toward self-destruction.

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Saturn in Pisces 2023-2026: Meeting the Wizard

The beauty of this transit is that, if we’re careful not to retreat from the more mundane, tedious and/or materialistic demands of daily life, we can finally recognize whatever long-held beliefs and emotional patterns that don’t serve us anymore. By letting such beliefs go, we’ll not only become freer and better able to express what we need, but to realize whatever ideals we have for our lives that we may’ve written off as “too impractical” in recent years.

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Total Taurus Lunar Eclipse 2022: Financial Stresses and Romantic Messes

Although the current Scorpio-Taurus eclipse series of 2022 makes deepening commitments and fortifying our financial and emotional foundations the priority, there’s a sense of urgency to finalize an agreement of some kind that (we believe) will provide us with the sense of security we know we ultimately need.

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Mars Retrograde in Gemini 2022: No Quick Fix

Learning to sit with feelings of inertia and indecision that cause us to act out of restlessness, frustration or moments of defeat is the major lesson of Mars’ extra-long transit through Gemini. The trick is to realize that indulging compulsive tendencies to take on more than you can realistically handle will only leave you feeling drained. But if you find yourself constantly frustrated or restricted when it comes to how you spend your time, is it possible that your long-term goals and everyday dealings just don’t align?

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Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022: Transformation

The Scorpio Solar Eclipse on October 25 is a powerful one for starting fresh when it comes to love and intimacy. But just because love can feel breezy it doesn’t mean it’s easy; and while Intimacy is familiar, it isn’t a guarantee. Can Intimacy exist without Love? And if so, how high is too high a price to pay to trade Love for Intimacy altogether? Is comfort and familiarity better than the superficiality of inorganic interaction; or are we deliberating mistaking Intimacy for Love to meet our Life Goals more expediently?

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World on Fire: Leo New Moon Horoscope

When Mercury in Leo clashes with Uranus in Taurus–exact on July 28–there are bound to be heated arguments, made even more explosive by Mars in Taurus’ conjunction with Uranus. Ironically, as explosive as the Mars-Uranus collision is with both planets operating in the signs of their Detriment (Mars in Taurus) and Fall (Uranus in Taurus), whatever disputes or stalemates that occur at could be characterized as “aggressively passive-aggressive.”

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Taurus Solar Eclipse 2022: War and Peace

Aries Season 2022 starts with a blaze, as the lack of planets in Fire signs from January - March left us limp, listless, and lacking in motivation. Then, on the Aries New Moon we experience a burst of energy that could very easily end up in some explosive interpersonal outbursts (ahem, Will Smith), followed by a conflicted Libra Full Moon mid-month. But luckily the Taurus Solar Eclipse arrives on April 30—just in time to calm our nerves, get back to basics and remind ourselves that our network is our net worth. Oh, and Self-Care.

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Full Moon in Gemini 2021: And a Happy New Year

The point of this Full Moon is that there’s compromise to be found between the Capricorn and the Gemini—as long as someone is willing to give up the feeling of control that is. So stop planning that elaborate trip to Aruba to show a Certain Someone that you’re “adventurous” while conveniently escaping your relatives for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa Dinner (Capricorn) and ask if they’d like to come over and warm themselves by the fire in your backyard. It’s fresh, it’s organic and, as it so happens, just as much fun if you come in with positivity.

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Venus Retrograde in Capricorn 2021: Commitment-Phobes and Stage-Five Clingers

From December 19 - January 29, 2022, Venus will be moving retrograde through the Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn, prompting a compulsive need to deepen connections and, in the process, purge whatever pesky habit patterns, unconscious drives or materialistic expectations that may be sabotaging them.

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Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2021: Impulse Control, Adventurousness & Relationship Tests

Sagittarius has confidence, enabling them to envision clearly what they want their long-term future to look like. The only hitch with this Eclipse? To quiet our minds in the weeks and months following it, so that we can overcome the impulse control (Mars) and nervous tension (Sagittarius) of this period, as it takes time to commit to one vision—let alone get to work making whatever that is a reality.

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Aquarius Full Moon 2021: The Unscratchable Itch

Aquarius is an Air sign, ruled by unpredictable Uranus, which explains their inherently intellectual, if scatterbrained way of being. Thus the Water Bearer’s greatest struggle: How to be both human (realistic) and superhuman (idealistic) without sacrificing one for the other? How to balance their task of Truth-telling, pouring out their cup of knowledge to the rest of us, while maintaining some semblance of Self-Care in the process?

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Taurus New Moon 2021: Sleeping Beauty

On 5.11 at 3:00 pm (ET), there’s a beautiful New Moon @ 21° of Taurus, offering us a crucial opportunity not necessarily to manifest, but to introspect. So do yourself a Prince Valiant-sized favor and figure out the difference between Avoidance and Introspection. Because at the end of the day, running away is just another way of avoiding yourself.

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