Libra Solar Eclipse 2024: Say Yes

The last eclipse of 2024 is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, exact on October 2nd. Not only is it a fresh start for relationships of all kinds, there’s an emphasis on emotional stability through communication… So enjoy this burst of energy for connecting with others and moving forward and don’t overthink it: Just say yes. 

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Aries Solar Eclipse 2023: Selfishly Self-Aware

Where are we being too selfish? Where are we not being selfish enough? This Solar Eclipse in Aries is extreme—but stopping to pause & answer these questions honestly is key, if you want to channel the impulsivity & restlessness of this New Beginning wisely. Otherwise you risk being like Tracy Flick—riding roughshod over others at the expense of doing/getting what we want for ourselves—or, if we convince ourselves our lives are perfect, ending up like Mr. M, rushing unwittingly toward self-destruction.

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Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022: Transformation

The Scorpio Solar Eclipse on October 25 is a powerful one for starting fresh when it comes to love and intimacy. But just because love can feel breezy it doesn’t mean it’s easy; and while Intimacy is familiar, it isn’t a guarantee. Can Intimacy exist without Love? And if so, how high is too high a price to pay to trade Love for Intimacy altogether? Is comfort and familiarity better than the superficiality of inorganic interaction; or are we deliberating mistaking Intimacy for Love to meet our Life Goals more expediently?

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Taurus Solar Eclipse 2022: War and Peace

Aries Season 2022 starts with a blaze, as the lack of planets in Fire signs from January - March left us limp, listless, and lacking in motivation. Then, on the Aries New Moon we experience a burst of energy that could very easily end up in some explosive interpersonal outbursts (ahem, Will Smith), followed by a conflicted Libra Full Moon mid-month. But luckily the Taurus Solar Eclipse arrives on April 30—just in time to calm our nerves, get back to basics and remind ourselves that our network is our net worth. Oh, and Self-Care.

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Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2021: Impulse Control, Adventurousness & Relationship Tests

Sagittarius has confidence, enabling them to envision clearly what they want their long-term future to look like. The only hitch with this Eclipse? To quiet our minds in the weeks and months following it, so that we can overcome the impulse control (Mars) and nervous tension (Sagittarius) of this period, as it takes time to commit to one vision—let alone get to work making whatever that is a reality.

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Solar Eclipse in Cancer 2020: Manifestation Nation

With the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21st in the midst of Mercury’s stationary Retrograde and Venus’ stationary Direct period, plus the impending Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn? It’s a lot to process, and much is occurring underneath the surface.. But yes—the grass is on its way to growing greener once again…

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