What Clients Say About Alyssa

New Client Testimonial
“My reading with Alyssa was the best and most in depth deep dive into my natal chart I've ever had. I've been studying my astrology chart for 5 years after discovering the wonderful world of astrology in 2015.
I'm middle aged and going through transformations. I'm filled with questions about where my life can go from here and what are the potentials.
Alyssa's keen insight and expert knowledge took me through my life from birth to now with spot on accuracy, and into the possibilities that lay ahead as I go into the next phase of my life.
I feel empowered and like I know myself so much better now. I can finally give myself some slack and forgive myself for "mistakes" I made along the way because I now understand how they fit into the big picture of my life.
No therapist I've ever had in 50 years of life has ever done that.”
-Chyrise T.

“Alyssa's keen insight and expert knowledge took me through my life from birth to now with spot on accuracy, and into the possibilities that lay ahead as I go into the next phase of my life…No therapist I've ever had in 50 years of life has ever done that.”
"I am an Alyssa Landers Astrology Reading junky!! I had my first Natal Chart Reading with Alyssa in 2015. In one session, she was able to accurately sum up what took 20 years of therapy to understand about myself…”
“It felt like an intimate conversation that I would usually only share with my closest friends (if anyone), yet also like the most natural interaction in the world…Alyssa wants to help us discover ourselves and she gives the support and information necessary to do so."
"A chart reading from Alyssa offers the perfect blend between subjective analysis and self-exploration…Her background in counseling is a huge bonus here, grounding her astrological perspective in a sensitive, motivating practice…”
“The session gave me much food for reflection and opened up new ways of looking at the past and future. Alyssa patiently answered all my questions and explained how a natal chart is built and interpreted. The reading experience proved to be much more than I ever thought it could be. I am so glad I did it."
"Of the astrologers I’ve encountered, Alyssa is a rarity. She is well-seasoned and fluent in her craft, sure, but that’s not impossible to find. Alyssa’s chart interpretations are not mystical. They’re practical.”
"I admit I was a total skeptic before I had my astrological reading with Alyssa; but she won me over. I cannot deny how true her descriptions of my character were. I was shocked…It is a gift to yourself."
"Alyssa is a curious, experimental and sensitive interpreter of the stars…I am so thankful that she helped me connect with the metaphysical, even mystical, dimension of life, which I find difficult to access consistently. I recommend her wholeheartedly!"
“Alyssa comes well-prepared and eager to draw out new perspectives and do additional research during the session. Her interests in clinical psychology and astrology provide keen observations. Six months later, I still think often about what we discussed."
“Alyssa revealed aspects of my psyche that I had only ever discussed with a few confidants…The most important part of the reading came after the chart analysis, when Alyssa listened carefully to my aspirations and discussed concrete actions I could take to move in the right direction…”
“I found the information she gave me was very accurate and on-point; it all made perfect sense. The advice she gave me led me to take informed actions in my life, which have supported me in defining my path as an artist, healer, teacher, and owner of my own business."