Full Moon in Gemini 2021
The December 18th Full Moon @ 27° Gemini—exact at 11:35 pm (ET)—is special for several reasons. Not only is it the final lunation of 2021, but it coincides with the kickoff of Venus’ long retrograde through earthy Capricorn (from December 19, 2021 - January 29, 2022), emphasizing the effect of sensuous Venus’ lingering connection to Pluto in serious, sometimes-stern Capricorn.
This Venus-Pluto alignment—as well as the Venus retrograde period itself—marks a period of deep reflection re: relationships and finances, and is especially potent in the month of December 2021.
And though Full Moons, particularly ones that coincide with the launching of a Venus retrograde (read: reflection) periods, are typically times of introspection and observation as opposed to action, the Gemini Full Moon on December 18 is a curious one, literally and figuratively.
Planets in Gemini Decan 3 (20-30°) are ruled by Uranus, amplifying the “itchiness” of this Gemini Moon, as many of the planets in this Full Moon chart fall in the Mutable (read: restless) signs of Gemini and Sagittarius. The commonality of all four of the Zodiac’s Mutable signs—Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces—is speed, learning, communication (or lack thereof) and adaptability.
Mutable signs are restless and hungry for knowledge and to connect with others, and the way they learn is not so much through rote memorization (like they have the patience for that) but through the context of human experience.
Travel, for example, is a particular fixation for most Mutable signs, known as the “rolling stones who gather” no moss, preferring to shoot for the stars than stay on the ground for too long—or at least charter themselves a hot air balloon every now and again.
Gemini Moon Trine Jupiter in Aquarius: Fun House
The best part of this Full Moon in Gemini opposite the Sun in Sagittarius is that both planets connect joyously to Jupiter in Aquarius, opening up our minds and inspiring creative ideas for how to celebrate in style as the tumultuous year of 2021 draws to an end.
Whenever you get a planetary combination involving Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius (especially when one of those planets happens to be Jupiter), the goal is always singular and simple: Fun.
Of all the signs of the Zodiac, these three are by far the most notorious “pranksters,” and live to laugh, chat, make hot chocolate, happily cackling in the dark as their tent falls down right when the Capricorn’s weather app says it’s about to snow.
Happiness is a choice, a state of mind—and frankly, while practicality and commitment are essential, isn’t knowing when to quit (or at least take a break) just as necessary when it comes to survival?
Mercury + Venus-Pluto in Capricorn: Joy Division
The need to discover, travel and experience the new over the tried and true is made more challenging now, however, in the context of two powerful astrological alignments that coincide with the December 18 Full Moon: Mercury in Capricorn at odds with Chiron in Aries and Venus (retrograde)’s ongoing conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn, both of which inspire a sense of fear and insecurity—especially when it comes to any uncertainty re: the practicality of whatever (or whoever) it is we want to explore.
Change, you see, is inherently challenging to Capricorn. Not because Caps cannot adapt (trust me, they can), but because planets in Capricorn are driven primarily by their obsessive-compulsive commitment to devoting their time almost exclusively to activities that involve building long-lasting foundations, whether in their Career or in their Personal Lives, which in turn reflects Capricorn’s deep need to feel “in control” of their environment (and the people in it).
“Pick up and go? Go where? For what purpose and for how long?” asks Mercury and Venus in Capricorn, eyes darting to pick up their phones and check their Google Calendar, Maps, Weather, etc. “Wherever! Who cares? It’s the Holidays!” replies the restless Moon in Gemini, casually pitching a tent in their backyard to watch the stars.
This is the fundamental tension between Mutable Gemini and Cardinal Capricorn: Gemini (and Sagittarius, where the Sun and Mars) has the adaptability that allows them to prioritize experiences of pure, unadulterated adventure; Capricorn, on the other hand, will take calculated risks, but their thinking is centered on control and practicality—a clever mask for the deep inner fear they have when it comes to anything they see as “risky.”
To Capricorn, adventure and spontaneity are synonymous with risk, fear and nervousness. Why? Because they don’t feel in control. And how is any little flight of fancy going to benefit them tangibly and/or in the long term anyway? (Ever notice how often Capricorn travels “for work” yet rarely (at least ostensibly) for pleasure? Yep. Now you get it.).
Gemini Moon v. Venus-Pluto in Capricorn: Let it Go
Letting go of the need to devote ourselves to the never-ending slew of Commitments that “the Holidays” usually entail is one of the challenges of the weeks following this Full Moon period, as the Gemini Moon and Sagittarius Sun’s exciting alignments to Jupiter in Aquarius (who, by the way, is all for the pitching a tent in the backyard just for fun idea) contradict the equally-powerful influence of Mercury, Venus (Rx) and Pluto in Capricorn.
So should you stay or should you go (now)? Whether there’s trouble or double trouble, what Gemini (and Sagittarius) have the wisdom of knowing is that these little adventures are what life is (really) all about.
So what if you get bitten by a couple bugs or the tent falls down in the middle of the night? It’s about the experience, enjoying the moment and, most importantly, getting out of the damn house (and away from all those computer screens), even if they only go as far as their own backyard.
Because one day you’ll look back on that moment. Will you look back on all those days you worked or emails you wrote? Eh, probably not.
The point of this Full Moon is that there’s compromise to be found between the Capricorn and the Gemini—as long as someone is willing to give up the feeling of control that is. So stop planning that elaborate trip to Aruba to show a Certain Someone that you’re “adventurous” (while conveniently escaping your relatives for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa Dinner) (Capricorn) and ask if they’d like to come over and warm themselves by the fire in your backyard. It’s fresh, it’s organic and, as it so happens, just as much fun if you come in with positivity.
Any experience is what you make it, and if it feels stressful and overwhelming (or like too much of a commitment)? Maybe it’s not worth it to go “all out” right yet. Maybe it’s best to find a way to spice things up while keeping it local and low-key (read: easy). Just ask Gemini. Because if anyone knows how to have fun? It’s definitely them.