Capricorn Full Moon 2021: Compassion Work

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Today’s Full Moon in Earthy Capricorn @ 2:40 PM is the 1st Lunation post-Eclipses + post-Mercury Direct in Gemini, prompting us to dive headfirst into whatever WORK we feel we haven’t accomplished since, well… mid-May??

Capricorn Decan 1, where this Full Moon falls, is the most “Saturnian” of all. Ruled by the planet of Restrictions, Obedience and Control, Caps born under Decan 1 aren’t (usually) the ones having Fun in the Sun.

In fact they’re often terrified of the Spotlight in which they so delight (or, perhaps, envy from afar), and will go to great pains to sweep under the rug any obstacle that seems to get in the way of their Productivity, finding security in a certain level of Routine, with little time left for those more tedious things. You know, like EMOTIONS. 

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That said, one of Capricorn’s most gleaming, oft-unrecognized qualities is their unerring sense of DEVOTION—the impetus for their Consistency, Reliability and Capacity for Hard Work. 

While such traits may sound on paper like things you’d look for when buying a new car, they’re attributes that make them some of the most splendid friends and most trusted of companions. 

All in all, Capricorn takes their Relationships, like all their Long-Term Commitments, very seriously, carefully choosing who to let into their inner circle. 

Where it gets sticky for Capricorn is in their (in)ability to BLEND the notion of “Work” with that of “Compassion.” Caps fuse the two more easily in their Career Life, often choosing paths like Medicine or any “helping” profession that can simultaneously provide them with a hefty paycheck. But when it comes to their Emotional Life? Eh, not so much.  

Contrary to popular belief, Capricorn is not as aloof as they seem (read: DOES take things personally). It’s simply that they prefer to nurse any emotional wounds silently (or at least behind tightly closed doors).

With this Full Moon in Capricorn at a tense angle to Chiron in Aries, emotional wounds around feeling like we’re “not enough”—or, alternatively, not “DOING” enough—are certain to crop up. 

Now that we’ve finally begun to emerge from  Mercury’s Ultra-confusing Retrograde thru Gemini, which began in mid-May and leaves its post-Rx “shadow” officially on July 7, it’s a perfect time for doing all that Healing Work. 

This is especially relevant when it comes to addressing miscommunications, misunderstandings + other Communication-related Snafus—and even more especially for untangling interpersonal messes. 

And while the next few weeks is about slowly beginning to re-connect with the “World-at-Large” and, yes, we may be on a mission to reinvent our Public Image, the Capricorn Full Moon’s exact sextile to Jupiter in Pisces (now Exalted) signifies an Opportunity to do some much-needed Emotional Work, bringing us closer to those we may’ve felt Estranged from. 

But rather than beat yourself up—how very unproductive + time-wasting an enterprise THAT would be—invest your time and energy into conjuring up some Compassion, and get to Work by spreading it in spades.

For instance? Offer your Consideration to whatever persons, places or things you’ve felt have been “in your way” during Mercury’s challenging Retrograde phase.

Because whatever they are? The solution lies in looking beyond the surface, quitting the Pity Party and, most importantly, giving more of yourself than you ever have before—particularly to ideas and people you once wrote off as “Strange.”