Gemini Full Moon 2019: What is Love

On December 12th, we’ll experience the Final Full Moon of 2019, ushering in a brand new Planetary Cycle with a Superpowered Yet Smooth™ Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 26th. Ring in the New Year with a Brand New Career? What could be better? Well here’s the rub. Not to say it’s easy, but there’s a lot of inner work to do now, should we choose to take it on…

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Pisces Full Moon 2019: The Sailor Or The Sea?

In the rather intense and exhausting days leading up to this Full Moon late tonight/early tomorrow is to trust in our own emotional resilience, as it’s all too easy to project, get angry or do nothing when it comes to our relationships now. Because while it might’ve felt relatively safe to just go to work and dream and little dream, we’re now facing the hard fact that while you may have fallen in love with it, the Sea—any Sea—simply cannot love you back.

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Virgo New Moon 2019: All Work And No Play

On August 30, 2019, we usher in the Dog Days of Summer with a powerful New Moon in Virgo. With a number of planets in the first 10° of Virgo, all forming Trines to Uranus in Taurus, there is a heightened, almost blind focus on WORK. But are we falling into that old Virgo trap of pushing ourselves to work harder, faster, only to be missing the Forest for the Trees?

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