Jeff Bezos Natal Chart (source:
Capricorn 101: Work, Work, Work
In Capricorn, we have one of the most fascinating and befuddling signs—one wherein the question of Nature vs. Nurture, or the role of Free Will, is paramount. Though all of us have the basic need to be “seen” a certain way, Caps are paradoxical, requiring loads of privacy and alone time yet nonetheless notoriously determined to be recognized, if not live eternally in the spotlight.
With Capricorn comes the Materialist vs. Martyr Complex that defines their central struggle (Jesus wasn’t born on Christmas Day for nothing), as the challenge of being both materialistic yet self-sacrificing is often what trips them up.
Self-destruction is a danger for all Earth signs in the Public Eye, as the Self-Image Obsession can lead them to isolate or alienate themselves altogether. Madonna (Virgo), Madoff (Taurus), and Lance Armstrong (Virgo)—all either past their prime and/or fallen from grace—come to mind.
And again, while it may be said that all Caps are practical to a fault, the Nurture aspect is particularly important with those born under the sign of Cap. For instance, while all Signs, like all Things, exist on a spectrum, I’ve observed a marked difference in Male vs. Female-identified Caps, with the latter having just as much Ambition but often embodying Cap’s more selfless, humanistic side.
Just off the top of my head I can think of at least ten Capricorn Women I know personally, all of whom devoted themselves tirelessly to raising families almost single-handedly—all the while maintaining full-time jobs if not Superwoman-esque Careers, never missing a meeting, nine months pregnant and still reliably punctual, making every appointment on their calendar (literally) until their water breaks.
Joan of Arc, for example, is the perfect example of the Female Capricorn, who burned at the stake on her quest to save the people of France.
That said, Capricorns loathe their compulsions, creating what others might consider rigid structures to contain them. This of course can either work for or against the Cap, as efforts to eradicate them completely usually lead to full-on indulgence of them. To take one painful yet relevant example, in Capricorn we find both the terribly tragic R. Kelly and the legendary, angelic Aaliyah.
Other infamous Capricorns abound, including Richard Nixon (another Male Cap with a perverse yet compulsive fetish for taping himself)—our Watergate President who fled the nation in tears upon the ruin of his reputation. Yet the famous ones are those who gave themselves to us, who we name Holidays after for their incredible accomplishments.
Enter Martin Luther King, Jr., a man with such commitment to the cause of abolishing racial injustice using peaceful methods of protest that he mobilized the Civil Rights Movement, willing to sacrifice his life before his dignity, putting himself at risk on countless occasions before his life was finally taken in (yet another) Tale of Martyrdom and Tragedy.
So as I tell everyone, no Zodiac sign is by Nature “good or bad,” but Anything (ike Everything) exists on a Spectrum. There are no preordained winners or losers, but only chances not given or taken. Thus, like any other sign—it is what you make it, dahling.
What Makes a Capitalist?
Capricorn Entrepreneur and CEO of now-famous conglomerate, Jeff Bezos was born on January 12, 1964 at approximately 11:33 AM in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Though the source of the birth time for his chart is an internet source, the symbols (including the angles) of Bezos’ chart do align quite uncannily with the way his life as an Entrepreneur has unfolded. So, as an Astrologer working indirectly with Bezos’ chart, I proceed with my analysis in good faith.
As founder of one of the most (materially) successful businesses and brand names in the world currently, Bezos certainly has all the hallmarks of a Born Businessman—most notably in his possession of a few key “ingredients” that stand out in his birth chart: Capacity for Hard Work (Capricorn Sun, Mercury, Mars and Midheaven) and inherent Focus on Efficiency and/or Practicality (Uranus and Pluto in Virgo in his 6th house); Vision and Creativity (Aries Ascendant and Sagittarius Moon in his 9th house); an innate sense of that traditional American Rugged Individualism shown by his exalted Mars in Capricorn in his 10th house.
On top of all this, Bezos’ chart shows an innately keen sense of timing and perception of what’s “trending” (or about to be), allowing him to follow that carefully-hidden, inner Gambler shown by his Moon in Sagittarius. Luckily for JB, the risks he takes are calculated and based on long-term projections, as his Venus-Saturn in Aquarius and Capricorn Sun keep him eternally aware of the Importance of Timing when it comes to making (business) moves.
Planets in Earth Signs = Drinking (Your) Milkshake
Here’s the thing with Capricorn: ruled by Saturn, they’re instinctually guided by the literal and material side of life. The world makes, Capricorn takes. This, of course, varies from person to person (and of course, from Cap to Cap), but in his case, not only is he a Capricorn Sun, but almost every planet in his chart falls in Earth signs Capricorn and Virgo.
With this disposition, he’s both a Workaholic and obsessively Image-Conscious. And like many a (male) Cap, while he may “do the right thing” in many cases, he may secretly battle a slew of insecurities that drive him to do just as many, well, not-so-right things as well. This is the key difference between Virgo and Capricorn and their fellow Earth sign: Taurus.
Taurus is obsessed with money at its most basic level, mostly because of the comfort and (perceived) decrease in complications it can bring. They want the money and they want it now, refusing to live anything but The Good Life—whatever they consider that to be—and will stop at nothing until they’ve achieved it.
And though Taurus is a notoriously scrupulous saver (read: penny-pincher), once they make something worth enough dough, often searching for gigs that “run themselves” after they’ve exerted the requisite amount of effort, they’ll happily sip champagne as they board their helicopters to St. Tropez.
Yet many a Taurus Entrepreneur has been “taken down” due to failure to consider the long-term—or, what’ll happen to if/when their often-secret, if not nefarious (business) transactions are found out. In other words, it’s Taurus’ fixation on the present, or on the feeling of instant gratification, surrounding money or material success that often comes back to bite them quicker than they might imagine.
Not so with Cap and Virgo. For while Taurus downs oysters by the dozen, Capricorn and Virgo prefer to keep a lower profile in most cases, aware as they are (especially Cap) that their Public Image (and the maintenance of it) is possibly the most important source of Capital.
Virgos like to show off occasionally with something snazzy here and there, but are more about the Work than the Money, happy to eschew the limelight in favor of spending their days (if not entire nights) poring over spreadsheets, on a desk lit only by one of those little green Accounting lamps.
Warren Buffet is a Virgo Sun, and he plays the role of Behind-the-Scenes Billionaire pretty darn well, still living in his hometown and stopping at McDonald’s every morning regardless of how much he’s got stockpiled in his bank account/bomb shelter.
Capricorns are less concerned than Virgos with poring over spreadsheets, though, comfortable if not destined for the Public Eye should they reach such a level of (what they deem) success. But the Capricorn tale is typically more like Pauper to Prince and/or Prince to Pauper, as Caps often have the most difficult time reconciling their professional ambitions with personal ones—especially the Male Goats.
Much like Daniel Plainview, Daniel Day Lewis’ character in the film There Will Be Blood, Cap is indeed, acquisitive by nature. Like Plainview, the typical Capricorn Male will masquerade as a “Family Enterprise” to garner favor with the local folks—do whatever it takes, really, to bolster their public image to gain access to whatever resources it is they’re after.
And while Daniel did eventually get the land he needed to drill for oil, it’s made crystal clear by the end of the film that it was all a swindle—once he’d acquired the Bandy Tract, he simply put up with the antics of Eli & Co., while he silently sucked up the oil from the surrounding plots through seepage into the groundwater.
So mess with Cap’s business (or their image) at your own risk. Because if you’re dealing with one like Daniel Plainview, not only will they drink your milkshake, but there will most certainly be blood.
Capricorn Mars + Sagittarius Moon: Rugged Individualism Meets Manifest Destiny
Though Bezos’ chart shows a considerable focus on All Things Practical, with Earth signs Capricorn and Virgo demanding Efficiency and Productivity and indicating a singular if not myopic focus on Work (Virgo) & Career (Capricorn), there’s a fiery side that drives his imagination beyond the considerations of the day-to-day. The Moon represents our gut instinct, how we intuitively respond to the world and—most importantly—what our greatest emotional needs are.
Sagittarius and the 9th house are both associated with risk-taking, gambling and visionary ideals. With his Moon in Sagittarius in his 9th house, Jeff is driven by a deep-seated (if unconscious) need to constantly explore new horizons, test the limits of his faith and/or ideals and/or latest philosophical fad, taking many (calculated) risks to see them through, test them out, or what have you.
As one of the three Fire signs of the Zodiac, Sagittarius is the maverick, the salesman and the explorer. Its placement in the 9th house, in turn, compels him to imagine Far-Flung Dreams and explore Foreign Lands: it’s a “Manifest Destiny” Moon which opens his mind to Visions of a Future yet Unrealized.
In addition, his Mars—the planet of Ambition, Action and Enterprise—is arguably the strongest force in JB’s chart. Mars is what gets us out of bed in the morning, what drives us.
As I mentioned in my analysis of Beyonce’s chart, no matter what signs and houses the other planets in a chart occupy and what contrary traits or experiences they might represent, the Moon and Mars are extremely powerful in determining our “destiny.”
Both Moon and Mars indicate what we feel we simply must do on such an innate, instinctual level that trying to repress the energy described by the Moon and Mars placements by sign, house and aspect in any birth chart typically amounts to an exercise in futility. You can’t stop the beat, and you certainly can’t stop yourself from going after that which your Moon and Mars command you to do.
For example, in the case of Jeff Bezos here, while he’s clearly an Earthy Capricorn in all his glory, with the Moon in Fire sign Sagittarius, and the Fire of his Mars and Sun (both Fire planets) ruling his Fire sign Ascendant (Aries), there’s more than a drive to be the Boss. He’s incredibly concerned, in other words, with creating not just any business, but one that allows him in some way to explore the world, if not conquer it.
Fire signs want to create something original, take risks, take a chance, roll the dice. Of all the Fire signs, Leo is the least impulsive. But Aries and Sagittarius? They wait for no man. And neither does Jeff Bezos. So although the abundance of Earth gives him some degree of patience, it won’t last long, as Aries on the Ascendant, widely conjunct Jupiter in Aries in his 12th house, bestows him with an Enterprising spirit that differs from Capricorn in its style.
Take their animal symbols as an example: Capricorn is the Mountain Goat, carefully and elegantly jumping from one rocky ledge to the next as it slowly and steadily makes its way to the top. Aries, though, is the Ram, and Rams do not plan. They just start digging until they strike gold.
Remember that childhood game called “Red Light, Green Light”? Yeah, Aries isn’t so good at that one. Why? Because Aries has what I call eternal “Green Light” vision (I mean, what Aries do you know who can stop?), absolutely refusing to acknowledge any “Red Light” warnings, acting as if they’re invincible without even realizing it.
So they forge ahead without a thought, asking “what do you mean there’s an obstacle?” Or, if pressed, “Well just get rid of it then.” What I’m trying to say here, if the metaphor isn’t clear already, is that Aries doesn’t see obstacles, and will just ram right over (or into) any that get in their way, no matter what. Aries is the proverbial infant of the Zodiac, endowed with spades of energy, not able to talk or listen yet, with only awareness of what it wants.
While Capricorn sits upon the mountainside, plotting its next moves while judging and watching those of others (quietly), Aries doesn’t care so much about others but only really about themselves. There is no gray area for Aries: they either get what they want or don’t, win or lose.
In many ways, this is true of the Fire signs in general, but of Aries in particular it’s true. The impetus to win is so overwhelming that no matter who screams “Red Light” or how loudly they scream it, Aries will continue to charge right past any red lights, red ribbons or finish lines.
With Mars as the planetary ruler of Aries, it’s somewhat ironic that Mars is considered exalted in the sign of Capricorn, if you think about how opposite the methods of Capricorn and Aries are (e.g., planning and plodding vs. ramming right through). But both are concerned with goal achievement, success (usually material) and making their way to the top of the mountain, so to speak.
Thus, in the sign of Capricorn, Mars is able to maintain its Ram-like focus on eliminating obstacles and any (perceived) opponents, infused with the wisdom of Capricorn’s more careful, more diplomatic tactics, thereby increasing the likelihood of not only getting to but staying “on top.”
This is particularly the case in Bezos’ chart, as not only is his Mars in Capricorn but falls at 29°—widely conjunct his Sun in Capricorn, both in his 10th house of Career. In astrology, any planet that falls at 29° no matter what the sign is significant.
Termed the Anaretic degree, it represents a critical turning point, as any planet moving through the 29th degree is getting ready to leave that sign and enter the next. So there’s a sense of urgency inherent in JB’s Mars, depicting a person who’s not only incredibly enterprising and driven but will go to literally any lengths to come out the Winner—or at least looking like one.
The 10th and 4th houses symbolize Career and Family, respectively, because at their root they represent “where we came from” (4th house) vs. “where we’re going” (10th house). So with these houses comes parental symbolism, though Astrologers have different ideas about which house is associated with which parent, it seems likely in Jeff’s case that he’s overcompensating for Failure of one of the two.
With his Chiron (sense of woundedness) in Pisces in his 12th house, forming an exact sextile to his Midheaven, or 10th house cusp, it becomes even more evident that his intense drive for success was inherited. Father was likely deemed a Failure in some respect, either by a lack of material success or in his abandonment of Jeff.
Whatever the specifics were, his feeling of abandonment by Father is the hidden emotional trauma that drives him to be so ambitious, unconsciously trying to heal himself by not only not running from worldly responsibility but compulsively trying to take on the world.
Whereas Father ran away, he strives to be recognized, imagining himself in his fantasy life as The Great Provider, wanting to be recognized by the World as such. Yet fantasy and reality are not the same, and at some point he must strive to untangle his unconscious inability to separate his drive to Conquer vs. his drive to Provide.
Venus-Saturn in Aquarius: Black Sheep or Lone Wolf?
Despite Jeff’s Chiron complex compelling him to act the Hero, even if only in his head, his Venus-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius speaks to the stereotypical Misanthrope, desperately seeking to dominate and control The People while maintaining a likeable persona. Richard Nixon—one of our most infamous (Capricorn) Presidents—is a good example of this, trying desperately to achieve the likeability of JFK while secretly taping his true self the entire time he occupied the Oval Office.
Capricorn in general tends to not only savor but actively safeguard their Alone Time, preferring to reserve their precious resources (read: time and energy) for so-called Productive activities only. But with Venus conjunct Saturn, though it may be masked, there’s a not-so-subtle contempt for socializing, and perhaps for Others in general. In the sign of Aquarius, Venus-Saturn delivers a difficult, even contradictory, lesson when it comes to All Things Social.
For instance, Saturn loves the structure of societal norms and mores, deriving comfort from the rules and formulas they provide; but Aquarius eschews such societal demands, preferring to make their own rules for themselves—and believe me, there are many.
Similarly, Saturn denotes constriction, while Venus (and to some degree, Aquarius and the 11th house) represents our capacity to be social. And with Venus as the consummate symbol of “Love & Money,” his Venus-Saturn in Aquarius becomes even more confused, as Saturn takes what Venus makes.
Venus’ placement in Aquarius is in itself inherently contradictory: on the one hand, his comfort with(in) large groups (Aquarius/11th house) bestowing a unique ability to attract attention if not become the Star of the Show; on the other, Aquarius, like Capricorn, loves (if not needs) nothing more than to get out of the limelight, hyperventilating in desperate attempts to escape attention to the point of fleeing the scene.
Aquarius in particular has a hard time with their own uniqueness, usually from birth, as the attention it brings is both blessing and curse. This is especially true in Adolescence. Venus is the planetary ruler of fellow Air sign Libra, and both Aquarius and Libra are notorious for their ability to attract spades of admirers and friends. This of course is (technically) what most consider a “good thing,” though it can be quite the emotional drain.
Venus, the planet symbolizing Compromise, in Aquarius typically ends up striking a balance by maintaining a large number of Acquaintances but Few Friends. Libra, though, is obsessed with fitting in, and will drain themselves to the point of complete emotional exhaustion (if not physical collapse) just to please those around them, putting the social needs of others often before themselves.
And while Aquarius too is known for giving up much time to Others over Self, the Loner often takes Over, as the preoccupation with fitting in is something Aquarians intuitively know is just not for us. Aquarians are too “weird,” we’re told, though we usually sense that people think this before it can even be spoken.
This is alienating, obviously, as the passions (intellectual obsessions) Aquarians once got great pleasure from (not to mention great grades) all of a sudden become “uncool” once the pesky Pre-Pubescent-Adolescent phase sets in. So Aquarius becomes the Loner, preferring to indulge personal projects in private so as to avoid being made fun of, outcast or even bullied for them in public.
The early experience of never feeling accepted or fitting in is what’s described by his Venus-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius in his 11th house. Of course, there are many valuable qualities gained from this aspect, including a high level of intellect combined with the diligence and patience to master even the most esoteric subjects.
Then there’s the ability to “see the future” when it comes to human behavior, which in turn allows him to accurately predict societal trends, if not create them—ahem, Paris Hilton (Aquarius). Plus the ability to set boundaries in his social and financial life that stems from an acute awareness of the fact that Time does indeed equal Money.
Yet with Saturn being the planet of life lessons and hard knocks, these abilities stem directly from the challenging and painful experiences of anyone who’s had an early life feeling like the eternal Outcast or Outsider.
Being shunned in school is often what makes those we once called Nerds quite intelligent, often successful and at the very least interesting in later life, never feeling “at loose ends” when they find themselves alone, since having spent so much of it that way in Adolescence.
The latter certainly lends itself to so-called Productivity, as those who were harassed by fellow classmates are constantly looking for an escape, finding it in music, books, and other solitary pursuits. So time alone is naturally a source of relish, especially as those solitary pursuits that once provided escape from obnoxious classmates begin to flourish and distill into real Talent and valuable life skills.
The film Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion provides the perfect example. Venus-Saturn in Libra is the perfect example of Romy & Michelle’s quest to fit in, finally achieving the physical beauty and popularity (Libra) they craved in high school. Venus-Saturn in Aquarius, on the other hand, is more like the equivalent of Janine Garafolo’s character—the Outcast-turned-Inventor of a successful brand of cigarettes, designed for the “Loner who smokes to have something to do between classes”-turned-proverbial “Woman on the Go.”
More For Less or Less For More? Or Finally, The Rub…
As an Astrologer reading Jeff’s chart from afar, what stands out apart from all analysis above, is that Jupiter, at 11° of Aries in his 12th house, widely conjunct his Ascendant in Aries. If you look carefully you’ll see that it’s at an exact square, or 90° angle, to his Midheaven (symbol of Career Direction) as well as his South Node—both in Capricorn.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and exaggerates all that it touches by aspect. And since we know the Midheaven and Capricorn both symbolizes Career and the Image of Success, not only are the latter exaggerated, but with his South Node involved it shows that Being the Boss is paradoxically both his Manifest Destiny and the potential cause of his undoing.
As Astrologer Shirley Soffer says, the South Node in any chart is “the Hot Fudge Sundae,” while the North Node represents “the Granola.” In other words? He’s may be a little too comfortable in Boss mode. Thus his entrepreneurial spirit is exaggerated in such a way where it can actually become something of a rut, with the exact square from Jupiter in Aries to his Nodal Axis in Capricorn (Work/Provider)/Cancer (Family/Nurturer) challenging him to stop delegating for a second or even leave his Career alone.
I say this not only because of Jupiter’s squaring his North and South Nodes, but because there are other indicators of this: the North Node in Cancer shows that part of what he needs to learn in life is about how to be a Nurturer in his private life—not just the proverbial Provider. And yes, there’s a subtle yet powerful difference between the two, as Nurturing and Providing are not necessarily the same.
In fact, I say this in Jeff’s best interest, really, as he has a rare aspect in his chart (one that Bernie Madoff has as well): Jupiter inconjunct Pluto. Any Jupiter-Pluto aspect is often known among Astrologers as one indicating “Millionaire” or “Billionaire” potential; yet the inconjunct is a restless, “itchy” aspect, that can drive one to extreme competitiveness.
This is particularly the case when it involves the signs Aries (Jupiter) and Virgo (Pluto), both naturally competitive signs. My interpretation of this aspect in Bezos’ chart specifically, given the house placement of his Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo in the 6th house, is that he often gets himself in hot water behind the scenes in his compulsive inability to stop competing with his co-workers and employees.
His South Node/Midheaven trine Uranus and Pluto, not to mention his Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, are clear indicators that his bickering of nickels and dimes with his employees, or making unnecessary displays of power to show coworkers “who’s Boss,” et al. will most definitely be what, if anything, leads to his undoing.
Whether Jeff does “shoot himself in the foot” or not (don’t forget: he may be a Cap but he’s still got a Sagittarius Moon) will be up to him and only him of course. But at 56 years old, he’s only 2-3 years away from his second Saturn Return. This is when fellow Capricorn Richard Nixon fell. So as his second Saturn return approaches, with Jupiter in Very Acquisitive Capricorn for all of 2020, Bezos might want to watch that he doesn’t get too greedy.
Because his Saturn Return, in his chart, occurs in the sign of Aquarius, conjunct his natal Venus. What’s the meaning of this? He’s got to learn to let more people in. In on his ideas, his life, his enterprise. He has to give back not only in Philanthropic efforts, but in terms of his ideas (Aquarius) and learn to communicate better with others.
So my only advice, Jeff? Get over the Black Sheep complex and any insecurities or need to “win.” Because it’s not high school, or even college anymore. So if you want to avoid pulling a Nixon or end up a Daniel Plainview, it’d behoove you at this critical point in life to cool it with competing and learn how to nurture—or at least play nice with Others.
And so the keynote of this chart is:
Before you drink up everyone’s milkshakes, step back from the role of Boss and let some others join the yard. Because learning to overcome long-held insecurities will allow you the opportunity to work cooperatively rather than compete. And though it may not seem likely, this is the key to preventing you from falling into pitfalls and forgoing a (potential) Fall From Grace.