Elizabeth Warren was born on June 22, 1949 in Oklahoma City, OK. Her exact birth time is unknown, so we’re using a standard, noontime chart. All in all, there’s incredible potential for Leadership in Warren’s chart.
This is the birth chart of the “Practical Idealist” par excellence, as it shows a striking balance of intellectualism and conceptual, long-term planning ability with an equally powerful “cut the BS” approach, eschewing fancy jargon when necessary with her uncanny ability to call a brick a brick.
This in turn gives her the ability to enact long-needed reforms and deliver on Campaign Promises while maintaining an acute awareness of the necessity of working with(in) pre-existing structures (aka the need to be adept at Compromise) once in office.
Sun, Uranus & Venus in Cancer
Her natal Sun, Uranus and Venus are in Water sign Cancer, and with both her Sun and Uranus at 0° of Cancer, and Venus at 18° of Cancer, giving her a degree of intuition that’s impossible to beat. Many Cardinal signs, or those with multiple planets in Cardinal signs, end up in careers that involve starting their own businesses, or where they themselves are the business.
It’s important to note here that in addition to the leadership quality that all Cardinal signs share, any planet—especially the natal Sun—at 0° of the Cardinal signs (in this case, Cancer) is an indicator of achieving Fame and Recognition for one’s work, no matter what “background” the person is from.
Elizabeth Warren fits this description to a tee, as she’s open about her humble beginnings, describing herself as “the daughter of a Coal Miner,” noting that her own upbringing was what one might characterize as a traditional, “Blue Collar” American background.
In fact Warren’s gone far beyond the limitations of her hometown, taking her Father’s Coal Miner work ethic to an entirely new level, finding her Political Niche—and, in many ways, Life Purpose—by channeling her sharp intellect and intuition into detailed analyses and fearless confrontation of America’s largest financial institutions.
Sun Conjunct Uranus: Cancer or Aquarius?
On looking at Elizabeth Warren’s birth chart, the first thing that jumps out is the exact conjunction of her natal Sun and Uranus—both at exactly 0° of Cancer.
The conjunction is the most powerful aspect in Astrology, and any planet in such exact aspect—especially the Sun—”colors” the person’s basic Identity according to the planet forming the aspect (in this case, Uranus).
With Uranus as the ruling planet of Aquarius, the conjunction of her Sun to Uranus makes Warren more like an Aquarius than your traditional Cancer.
For instance, though both Cancer and Aquarius have intense powers of intuition and imagination, Cancer is concerned with the Past and with Tradition, while the Aquarius is perpetually thinking about what’s next, what’s new, and what’s in store for Tomorrow and the Long-Term Future.
Sun-Uranus, as with any astrological aspect, has its pros and cons, of course. Sun-Uranus is the Freedom-Fighter, the Revolutionary, the Initiator of Long-Term Change. Though, with Sun-Uranus symbolizing the sign Aquarius, she’s stubbornly forward-looking in her thinking.
Nonetheless, this conjunction occurs in the sign of Cancer in Warren’s chart, eliciting a paradoxical sense of Patriotism and respect for Tradition along with a keen awareness of what outdated Conventionalities no longer serve a purpose.
And because she is in fact a Cancer, her Sun-Uranus conjunction produces a strong yet paradoxical personality type—one who wholeheartedly embraces the adage of “live and let live” yet is infuriated at the prospect of inequality and injustice in any sense.
Aquarius types often feel like the Oddball, Outcast or “Black Sheep,” both at school and even in their own families. As a result, Sun-Uranus types constantly find themselves embroiled in fights for the proverbial Underdog, all the while asking themselves: “How did I get in the middle of this?”
Sun-Uranus can’t help but question antiquated rules, even if it risks their being labelled “rebellious—a word all Aquarius types are so used to hearing that it’s become, well...quite the cliche. Not that it really matters per se, as any Sun-Uranus or Aquarius Sun probably isn’t listening anyway.
Her ability to speak Truth to Power is a decidedly Aquarian one, and with the combination of her Sun-Uranus, Moon-Pluto, Mercury-Mars and her “Fated” Yod formation, this ability—both finding and using her voice in such a way—constitutes the primary purpose of her life.
Because no matter what you might think of her personally, if you spent any time at all watching Warren interrogate the head of banks like Wells Fargo, Chase and Bank of America, she certainly deserves acclaim (or at least respect) for her singular refusal to accept the tacit Shoulder Shrugs and “I don’t know”s of the Financial Elite as they’re faced with blatant, incontrovertible evidence of their own corruption that led them to the point of bankruptcy—both immediately following and years after the 2008 Financial Crisis.
Moon Square Pluto: Financial Powerhouse
With the combination of her Taurus Moon and Cancer Sun, she’s primarily concerned with one thing: Financial Security For All.
The drive for financial security is intensified in Warren’s birth chart, as her Taurus Moon forms a square to her natal Pluto in Leo.
Square aspects connote tension, especially when they involve the Fixed signs, as in the case of Taurus and Leo. Whether the Moon-Pluto person comes from a wealthy background or not, this planetary combination is extremely well-suited for any occupation involving Financial Management and/or Fiscal Responsibility, as these people are made acutely aware of the Power (Pluto in Leo) of Money (Moon in Taurus), usually at quite an early age.
The beauty of having a challenging Moon-Pluto aspect in your birth chart is that while on the one hand it connotes a battle for survival, from the proverbial ashes rises the phoenix, as Pluto, the planet of Rebirth and Regeneration, forces the individual to confront issues of Power and Control in early childhood.
In Warren’s case, with the Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Leo, this aspect indicates an early life filled with power struggles over finances in the family. It’s this discord over use of financial resources that in later life manifests as emotional strength and resilience, “inherited” or modeled by the Maternal figure of the family.
No matter what the scenario, there’s a strong, unconscious bond with the Mother figure that pervades the deepest levels of the Moon-Pluto person’s inner self.
Fixed squares involving the Moon, exalted in Taurus, and Pluto have to do with “Fame and Fortune” in some respect, and she may’ve felt pressure to achieve some level of status, if only to relieve the guilt of the emotional sacrifices made and unfulfilled dreams of Mother.
In Warren’s case, with the Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Leo, Mother was a powerful force that instilled the importance of financial security and the necessity of being both resourceful and resilient when it comes to the (not-so) funny question of money. Overcompensating so that Mom can live vicariously is usually what drives the Moon-Pluto individual on an unconscious level to succeed at nearly any goal or task they set for themselves.
For whatever reason, Mother was intensely focused on the Moon-Pluto child, perhaps relying on them for emotional support. But this has a dual effect, as the attention the child is given is both empowering yet puts pressure on them to achieve—or in this case, bring home the bacon.
Moon Sextile Venus: Attracting Wealth
Warren’s natal Venus in Cancer sextile her Taurus Moon is a gorgeous planetary pairing.
The combination of her exalted Taurus Moon’ tough square to Pluto in Leo and potent sextile to sensitive Venus in Cancer depict an extraordinary power of attraction when it comes to material resources.
In the case of Elizabeth Warren’s chart, Venus falling in the Moon’s sign (Cancer) and the Moon in Venus’ sign (Taurus) means that her Moon and Venus are in mutual reception.
Mutual reception strengthens both planets, enhancing both Productivity and increasing the Possibilities available when it comes. The result? An uncanny ability to attract Opportunity and create Financial Stability out of an economy in chaos.
In this case, Venus rules Taurus and the Moon rules Cancer. So the two planets operate in utmost harmony, with the earthy practicality of Taurus providing a stabilizing, calming effect on the inherent nervousness of Cancer, giving her intuition a solid foundation—aka FACTS—to stand on.
With the mutual reception of Moon-Venus, not only is she able to attract money, but she possesses the power of diplomacy, enabling her to appease corporate parties without sacrificing resources that empower the Public interest. Plus, with Moon-Venus in Cancer? She’s not only charming—she’s funny.
The aspects of her Taurus Moon to Pluto and Venus + her mutual reception depict the rare combination of the force of will (Moon-Pluto) and acute sensitivity to necessity of compromise (e.g., the importance of being earnest aka not making excessive promises or going to extremes) when it comes to economic reform (Moon-Venus).
Her Taurus Moon’s square to Pluto in Leo and sextile to Venus in Cancer is a rare combination, enabling her to strike seemingly-impossible deals that allow her to deliver on promises to the Public without disregarding the inconvenient reality of the need to confront without capitulating to the demands of Corporate Industry.
Warren is hyper-attuned to the delicate balance between Public and Private (read: Corporate) Interest that must be maintained for any economy to grow and thrive—to see through economic plans that can actually improve Americans’ day-to-day lives not just the short-term but the long-term.
What does this amount to? Basically, she’s a financial powerhouse, able to attract resources and manage wealth using the power of both intuition and practicality in equal measure.
Mercury-Mars Trine Neptune: Fighting Wisely
Along with her Sun-Uranus in Cancer, Elizabeth Warren has another, nearly exact conjunction between her natal Mercury and Mars in Gemini. Gemini, like Aquarius, is a quick-witted Air sign, and with Mercury being Gemini’s ruling planet, both her mental process and her style of communication is especially, well, sharp.
Mercury symbolizes the mind, in terms of how we speak, write and our overall ability to process (and use) information. For instance, Mercury in Gemini often thinks quicker than it can speak, let alone write down, its thoughts—one of the reasons Mercury-Mars aspects (especially in Gemini) often come across as “frustrated” in temperament.
Consequently, it’s not surprising that rigid thinking patterns and argumentativeness are common examples of Sun-Uranus and Mercury-Mars aspects when operating in their negative expression.
Just as Warren’s Saturn in Virgo provides practicality to her more revolutionary ideals shown by her Sun-Uranus in Cancer, so does her Neptune in fellow Air sign Libra act to elicit Mercury-Mars’ more constructive expression.
Neptune in Libra, the sign of Compromise, forms a beautiful trine aspect to her potentially pugnacious Mercury-Mars in Gemini. The role of Neptune here is crucial, in that it calms her nervous, quickened pace of mind, bringing her more in touch with her ability to speak compassionately and tap into her intuition. This enhances her ability to listen—a quality that the typical Mercury-Mars (or any Gemini for that matter) typically, well, lacks.
Neptune in Libra gives her the capacity not to fight blindly but to absorb information just as well. This is a considerable advantage when it comes to Debate, augmenting her mental agility and enabling her to adapt to (if not predict) her adversary’s every talking point, having already dismantled their entire argument before they can even lay it out. Obvious example? That time she swatted Bloomberg like a fly.
In terms of her Executive Ability, the trine enables her to solve problems not just through logic (Mercury) and directness of action (Mars) but through creative thinking and imagination (Neptune). Neptune in Libra trine her Mercury-Mars adds sensitivity and compassion to her style of communication.
Think FDR’s Fireside Chats. Not only did they keep everyone glued to their Radios, but they kept people going at a time in American history when people were at their poorest and morale was at an all-time low. In other words, she knows when to pick her battles and when to speak with compassion.
The Yod aka The “Finger of God”
In Astrology, a Yod formation is often referred to as a rare astrological pattern, as it describes two planets at a 60° angle to one another (a sextile), both of which form with a quincunx or “inconjunct” aspect (150° angle) to a third planet, known as the “focal planet” or “fulcrum” of the configuration.
The Yod is challenging to describe, as it involves a dynamic set of relationships between planets, making it a powerful indicator of the individual’s “Life Mission,” “Divine Purpose,” or “Fate.”
With the Yod, this “mission” exists largely in the person’s unconscious, and they may work towards fulfilling it without even realizing it but rather feeling that their actions are driven by necessity.
Elizabeth Warren’s Yod configuration, with focal planet Jupiter in Aquarius.
Even apart from its association with a Yod formation, the quincunx aspect alone is difficult to describe, as it symbolizes an unconscious “itch” that needs to be scratched. Consequently, it’s often associated with restlessness and overexertion of one’s physical, emotional and spiritual resources, pushing the person into compulsive bouts of goal-directed activity.
Those with inconjuncts in their birth charts require lifestyles where both physical and mental agility is required and movement is constant, as well as Work that provides an outlet for their compulsive need for continuous movement and goal-directed activity, though being “of service” is an important component of this aspect as well.
For instance, Inconjuncts are common in the charts of doctors, military personnel and those who travel often for work—lifestyles where both physical and mental agility is required and movement is constant.
The Yod, though, is more complex than the Inconjunct, as it describes an aspect pattern that forces the individual to grapple with inherited (or so-called “fated”) complexes.
Example: the Yod has been noted in the birth charts of the Royal Family, including Prince Charles, Princess Diana and both of their sons--all of whom, in one way or another, were “fated” to live in ways that pushed the boundaries of how a “Royal” should act.
Prince Charles, for instance, though he married Diana, carried on a notorious, rather overt affair with his mistress, Camilla, for decades. Princess Diana pushed the boundaries of what a Royal Lady was expected to do, taking up unconventional causes, walking through fields filled with landmines both literal and figurative.
Likewise, her sons, William and Harry, both went against Royal Tradition in their own ways, with Prince William marrying Kate Middleton—another so-called “Commoner”—and Harry completely breaking with Tradition to the point of relinquishing his right to the throne entirely in his marriage to Meghan Markle.
Each of their lives show the theme of the fated need to break with stilted royal traditions—of the need to adjust and make sacrifices in the face of some inherited “Destiny,” either breaking away from it or reinventing it to some extent.
Though Astrologers disagree on how “exact” the angles need to be for the Yod to be considered significant, Elizabeth Warren’s chart contains a very prominent Yod involving her natal Sun-Uranus in Cancer, Saturn in Virgo and Jupiter in Aquarius—all of which form nearly—exact aspects to one another.
The Yod person is like the Energizer Bunny—so hyper-focused on completing tasks that there’s never an end to the action. The blessing of the Yod is that, though this level of drive takes a spiritual and physical toll on the body, unlike the stand-alone Inconjunct aspect, the Yod configuration shows that there’s always—just like with Aquarius (or, in Warren’s case, Sun-Uranus)—a Method to the individual’s (so-called) Madness.
Base of Yod: The Paradoxical Father
For Warren, with her Sun-Uranus sextile her Saturn at the base of her Yod, her identity (Sun) is largely dictated by her acute sensitivity to the needs of others and her immediate environment (Cancer) and is predicated on the need to be “of service” (Virgo) to the needs of others in all she does.
This stems from early life conditioning, depicting a family dynamic wherein she may’ve been the one in the family to whom her siblings and even her Mother turned to for guidance, nurturance or advice.
Sun conjunct Uranus in Astrology has a lot to do with upheaval—in particular the erratic actions of Father. But with the sextile to Saturn—both Sun and Saturn represent “Father”— good old Dad may’ve been somewhat of a Rebel but, depending on the context, he most certainly would’ve had a Cause.
And while he may’ve been a Tyrant at Home (Uranus in Cancer) yet the Martyr at Work (Saturn in Virgo), or vice versa, he would’ve been an exceptionally hard-worker—the type who’s up at 5 am, never late to work, often pushing himself to physical extremes.
Family Time would’ve been willingly given up in the name of Work, embodying the paradoxical cliche that many men face, intently focused on yet simultaneously resentful of their pressure to fulfill the role of the so-called “Good Provider.”
Consequently, Warren’s Sun-Saturn sextile depicts her own willingness to work, bolstered by a strong sense of duty and responsibility to provide, imbuing her with what I think is known as “Moral Fiber.”
For Warren, with her Sun-Uranus sextile her Saturn at the base of her Yod, her identity (Sun) is largely dictated by her acute sensitivity to the needs of others and her immediate environment (Cancer) and is predicated on the need to be “of service” (Virgo) to the needs of others in all she does.
Paradoxically, this is the setup that, in early life, distracts the individual from their life purpose indicated by the Yod. Because the sextile, when involved in a Yod formation, can be more of a rut than an opportunity, as it can feel like there’s just too much responsibility to achieve the “mission” or “purpose” associated with the Yod.
Reluctance or lack of awareness that such a path must be undertaken is common in those with powerful Yods in their birth chart, often being goaded by others, or being made aware of their purpose only through positive feedback, is what’s needed to give the Yod person that “push” they need to “go for it,” so to speak.
Focal Planet: Jupiter in Aquarius
Her Jupiter in Aquarius, strong in its placement at 0° of the sign, signifies luck and abundance when it comes to any endeavors involving large-scale reform. Jupiter in Aquarius generally knows how to work well with others, particularly when it comes to large groups and organizations, and gives the individual good judgment as well as intellectual ability. Aquarius is the sign of the Inventor, the Innovator, the Originator of New Ideologies and Ideas.
With Jupiter in Aquarius, Warren has the ability to not only conceive of inventive approaches to practical problems, but to get the People on board, not through force but through diplomacy, a keen knowledge of labor relations and how large organizations (read: corporations) work.
Like all Fixed signs, this position of Jupiter gives the individual great organizational skills, knowing what needs to be done in order to create reforms that don’t simply result in short-term fixes but sustainable solutions.
Though the inconjunct aspects have the support of the the sextile in this configuration, it’s not until the person becomes attuned to the need to “tap into” their “higher purpose,” as indicated by the symbolism of the fulcrum planet—in Warren’s case, her Jupiter in Aquarius.
Jupiter in Aquarius is all about Accountability and doing “what’s right” in the name of Public Interest. As opposed to the grumbling yet ineffective Rabble-Rouser, this is the figure of the Labor Union Organizer (Karl Marx had prominent Yod configuration)—one who sees the need for systemic changes if the overall Quality of Life of Society is to improve.
This isn’t to say that Warren embodies a crusade to demolish current systems in place; on the contrary, Saturn in supportive aspect to her Sun-Uranus doesn’t weaken her drive for revolutionary action, but strengthens it, giving her a uniquely intuitive understanding of how to do so without bulldozing pre-existing systems to the ground.
This Executive Ability makes the prospect of Change not so much threatening and all the more realizable, as it provides her the requisite humility, strength and patience to see long-term projects through.
Because while Campaigning is all about Big Promises and the laying out of Sweeping Solutions to long-standing problems, anyone versed in Psychology knows that behavioral or structural modification can only occur by first setting small, achievable goals that over Time yield larger, more tangible results. This is the difference between Change and Revolution.
Life Purpose & the Campaign Quandary
So what, then, is the “higher purpose” indicated by Elizabeth Warren’s chart? With her natal Sun-Uranus sextile Saturn, she was born with the power to bring about Practical Revolution by finding ways to breathe fresh air into stale traditions, to bring reform to outmoded systems, to create a new path that involves combining the Unconventional with the Conventional.
Obviously, this is quite a tall order, and it often takes a lifetime filled with sacrifice and personal suffering—particularly in early life—as the Yod person first becomes aware of their uniqueness, then finds a way to “figure out” how to express it constructively.
For instance, in Warren’s case, she may have spent a large part of her early life, both in her family and in her career, vacillating between the competing demands to be both the safe, practical one and the revolutionary.
Long before she began her current campaign for President, if you watch footage of the formal inquiries forced upon banks like Chase, Wells Fargo and others in the years following the 2008 financial crisis, Warren is not only pulling out binders filled with exact figures of profits gained and scams outlined in detail—she’s furious. With the involvement of her natal Sun and Saturn, it’s clear that this was a quandary that was central to the life of the Father, who himself likely felt pulled between the two extremes: to speak Truth to Power, or not to speak at all?
The key, then, to unlocking her potential to be the Practical Revolutionary signified by her natal Saturn sextile Uranus is her ability to access the power of Faith (Jupiter) and inspire a collective sense of Optimism in the Public (Aquarius).
Warren must access that fiery side of her that she showed in the Democratic primary debate against Mike Bloomberg—accessing her greater sense of faith in herself leads her to be fierce without fear of being seen as aggressive or of the perceived consequences of speaking freely (Aquarius = Freedom of Speech).
So finding her voice was (and still is) essential in her fulfillment of her life purpose—that is, overcoming her tendency to restrict, overly monitor or play down her self-expression for the sake of diplomacy.
This means exercising her ability to speak Truth to the Public in a way that’s both relatable and expressive of not just of her intelligence and experience, but of her quick-witted sense of humor. And though women aren’t typically “allowed” to be funny—especially not in Politics—it’ll take courage to express her sense of humor more openly. But this is what will lead her to success.
To not be afraid to use her innate sense of humor and charm and to cultivate the ability to speak intelligently to her audience without losing awareness of the importance of the Entertainment factor—Charisma—that, for better or worse, is so crucial to “winning” in (American) Politics.
This is not to say she should act like a clown or downplay her intelligence in any way, of course, but only that if she’s to win, she’s simply got to open up, to show her personality. Because the combination of Truth and Humor? This is not only what wins votes, but wins people’s attention and, ultimately, their trust.