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Friends and Lovers & Give(rs) and Take(rs)
Is it possible to feel both hope and disappointment simultaneously? This week we shall find out, as these are the feelings brought to the surface by this Friday’s Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, occurring only 1 day following Mercury turning retrograde, at exactly 4:20 pm (EDT).
Unlike Solar Eclipses, which act as intensified New Moons, a Lunar Eclipse has the effect of an intensified Full Moon. New Moons symbolize a fresh start in one area of life, while Full Moons bring about epiphanies and culminations of melodramas that have been building up over the last few months.
Solar Eclipses bring a fresh flurry of activity in to an area of our lives; Lunar Eclipses are about bringing what’s been going on far too long in our lives to a head, so that whatever is holding you back from true inner growth can surface and be dealt with accordingly. Tomorrow’s Lunar Eclipse represents a “letting go” phase, prompting us to recognize a need to let something (or someone) go.
Tomorrow’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Aquarius, so themes associated with this sign—namely, friendships and exes, long-term goals and communication—will be highlighted now.
Friends & Exes
Aquarius is all about friends and how we relate to our communities outside the realm of family. It’s also the sign of individuality and rebellion, so this Eclipse is likely to bring a long-brewing drama with a friend or within a group of friends to light in one way or another. You might find out a secret about a friend that makes you reconsider your ties to that person, for example. It’s likely that an ex-partner could re-enter your life at this time, or you might literally run into someone you haven’t seen in years on the street. With the focus on the sign of Aquarius, we might be lost in thought fantasizing about an ex, a friend or an old/future relationship. No matter what happens to you individually, you’ll definitely be thinking about your role within your friend group or a friend/ex who may’ve been draining you lately. It may or may not be time to cut the cord with this person or group, but ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether to work through the issues or let them go.
Long-Term Goals & Visions
Aquarius is the sign associated with long-term goals and visions of the future. With tomorrow’s Lunar Eclipse, this is likely to be a focus of our emotions now, as we may realize it’s time to re-evaluate one (okay maybe all) of our long-term goals. Whether we realize that our vision of our ideal future is altogether untenable or that a particular goal we once believed in no longer fits with our larger vision of where we see ourselves in the future, this period is ripe for a reckoning. Though initially emotional confusion will reign, this Eclipse should bring clarity about a goal you may’ve been valuing too highly or highlight flaws in your overall “Life Plan.” And while it may be painful at first to accept that one of our long-held goals or dreams (or the way we’re approaching them) need to be reconfigured or even ditched altogether, shedding a dream or relationship that no longer serves a role in our lives will certainly be positive in the end.
Communication & Online Presence
Because Aquarius is an Air sign, there will always be a focus on communication, particularly how we communicate with others through digital mediums. Lunar eclipses bring uncomfortable realizations with them, so this may be a time where we realize aspects of the way we communicate that could upset us. We could have the urge to blurt out long-repressed feelings through social media, for instance. Or we might realize that many of our relationships have suffered due to how heavily we rely on social media, texting and email to get our message across. This is a good time to reflect on any addictions we might have to certain social media outlets. You may, for instance, become so overwhelmed with the superfluous texts, messages, emails and other communications that you decide it’s time to tune out and turn your devices off (or at least delete an app).
Eclipse Aspects: Moon Conjunct Mars Retrograde in Aquarius
In the Lunar Eclipse Chart pictured here you’ll see that tomorrow’s Full Moon Total Eclipse shows a conjunction of the Moon @ 4°45’ of Aquarius with Mars @ 3°58’ of Aquarius, both opposite the Sun @ 4°45’ of Leo. In predictive work, the more exact the angle by degree, the more powerful its effect in coloring the overall tone or feeling of the aspect’s energy.
With retrograde Mars so close to the Moon at the time of this Eclipse, the revelations we have now will arouse complex emotions surrounding our friendships and personal goals. You’re likely to feel drained by people in your life, by your work, or by one of the goals you’ve been striving so hard to meet. In other words, depending on where in your personal birth chart this Eclipse falls, you’re likely to feel frustrated in at least one area of life now. And while it might feel like you’re not getting anywhere, this is the ideal moment to reflect on the ways we might “shoot ourselves in the foot” when it comes to our relationships, goals and how we communicate.
With a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius conjunct Mars retrograde, our focus will be on re-evaluating our love lives and friendships. As many of us know by now, there’s a certain amount of projection that happens in every relationship: for instance, we may not see ourselves as “intense” people yet continually find ourselves drawn to such people. The plus side is that there’s likely to be significant revelations about our “shadow” side as manifested in the people we find ourselves most drawn to.
At the very least it’s a time for careful thinking about our personal relationships—friends and loves alike—and to face the question of give and take. Are our closest friendships draining us or helping us get where we need to go in life? Is the person we’re dating or crushing on zapping our energy, or do we need to take a break from working so hard and let a little (romantic) creativity in?
The best way to use this energy is to ask ourselves these questions and answer honestly about the way we approach our friends and lovers. If we contemplate and realize we’re playing the “giver” more often than the “taker” in our relationships (or vice versa), it’s time to devise a strategy for correcting that imbalance. So put your work away, look out the window for a day, and think about who you want in your life to stay.