Full (Sturgeon) Moon in Aquarius, August 3, 2020.
Well, it’s Leo Season and (surprise!) we’ve finally been let out of our gilded/not-so-gilded cages. But before we pop out of a cake somewhere and start running through the streets, naked and sans mask, it may perhaps be prudent to make a conscious effort to slow the pace of our lives down, as we’re faced with unavoidable Truths about the (Imagined) Lives of Others and how such Truths will inform (or not) whatever decisions we’ll soon be “forced” to make.
Regardless of your individual circumstances, at first glance this is one tense, angry Full Moon—there’s no mistaking that. Fortunately, however, the air will quickly be cleared, even if it does involve an Impromptu (Impulsive) Air-Cleaning (Confrontation). This is, after all, what the Moon in Aquarius (square Uranus in Taurus) is all about. But the chart’s Libra Ascendant at an awkward angle to Neptune in Pisces in the 5th house, we’re still compelled (if only out of habit) to believe you (or someone close) can continue to hide behind that ever-silent and smiling, “people-pleaser” demeanor.
With Jupiter in Capricorn in the 3rd house exactly square Mars in Aries, there’s clearly a battle. But it’s the dynamic aspects of Saturn in Capricorn, at the very bottom of the chart—in exact opposition to Mercury in Cancer at the very top; and exactly inconjunct Venus in Gemini—that show the themes of the conflict.
Mercury in Cancer is highly subjective in its particular take on reality, not prone to exaggerate words and thoughts for any nefarious or illegitimate end but simply because their most fertile imaginations just seem to sprinkle a little “extra” on whatever the narrative may be. Venus in Gemini, in turn, naturally attracts by “turning up the charm,” and prefers to keep things light in creative, social, financial and romantic dealings.
Saturn in Capricorn, though, restricts the mind and forces it to focus on practical decision-making—similar to the theme of the corresponding Cancer New Moon on July 20. And with Uranus in Taurus at a tense angle to both the Sun and Moon in Aquarius?
Well, it’s like the astrological equivalent of a hot knife cutting through the bullshit. Whether all this is playing out more at work or at home, there’s an undeniable “upheaval,” or some sort of “realization-confrontation” style ruckus. In other words? Even the most (seemingly) reliable relationship boats are getting rocked.
This can mean different things of course. “Who are you really angry at and why?” might be a useful question to keep in mind—particularly if and when you feel the need to (or are confronted by) a demand from an impatient friend, lover or Mother. Or a confession you never expected. Or, you realize you care about something you thought you didn’t; or, possibly, that the thing you thought you cared most about? Eh, not so much anymore.
Maybe your expectations change or have changed—and what is vs. what was “realistic” to you in terms of your life plans, goals and dreams as they’ve been playing in your head are “suddenly” confronted with the reality that initiating change on a superficial level alone just won’t cut the mustard this time around. Deep, introspective thought on how we’re going to construct a solid emotional and mental foundation for our future happiness (Aquarius) “suddenly” demands your time and attention.
Easier for some than others, running away from conflict doesn’t keep it at bay—it only becomes bottled and then over time congeals and melts into obsessive-compulsiveness at best and complete perversion at worst. This is one of the many ironic “pros” of a difficult aspect between the Sun, Moon and Uranus: whether it’s that you realize your needs aren’t what you thought they were, what you want isn’t what you need, or vice versa, there’s no avoiding it now.
The “it” could be the shock of realizing you’re no longer invested (or investing) yourself or your assets (time, energy, money) in the right direction; that you’ve mentally left the building in your relationships with others; or that there’s unresolved tension or conflict you have to stand accountable for.
Nonetheless, the question isn’t whether or when to clear the air but who will be the one to clear it—because trust me, if you don’t, someone else will. This someone’s impatience may or may not be directly (or even tangentially) related to you; but it very well may burst out at you like a bolt from the blue.
Sun + Moon T-Square Uranus: Rebellion, Ruts & Relationships
The dominant aspect pattern in this Full Moon chart is an unmistakably tense if not incredibly uptight T-square, involving the Sun in Leo opposite the Aquarius Moon, both of which form tight 90° angles to Uranus in Taurus. This astrological configuration is not uncommon, but the fact that Uranus is the focal planet points to an excess of stubbornness, restlessness and unexpected demands or disruptions.
Under this influence, the Leo Sun reigns supreme, as the Moon is in its Detriment and Uranus is in its Fall in Aquarius and Taurus, respectively. We can’t give ourselves entirely to others, whether in our work or personal worlds, limited though they may be.
Fixed signs, which include Leo, Aquarius and Taurus alike, are all extremely self-willed, and quick to resent feeling pressured to engage in any person, place or thing that doesn’t align with their personal (creative) agendas.
Similarly, the idea that a potentially random outburst or unexpected revealing of information, even if it only serves to misdirect their attention, is anathema to Fixed signs like Leo, Taurus and Aquarius.
In fact, the faintest notion of manipulation sends Aquarius in particular into fits and starts, often inadvertently causing disruptions in their attempts to preempt any action from others that could entail any kind of ploy or play to coerce them into doing anything they haven’t penciled in their calendars WEEKS ago.
The point is that there’s extreme potential for breaking out of any (perceived or actual) ruts, despite the restrictions and responsibilities Saturn’s continually reminding us of in 2020 (and, in many ways, for almost all of 2019).
But while the Sun square Uranus indicates a struggle with authority (even if it’s your own inner critic) and overt rebellion, the shine of the Leo Sun, though prideful, is bright, prompting the highly-strung Aquarius Moon (Detriment) to keep its cool and miserly Uranus in Taurus (Fall) to keep its selfishness at bay. Bearing this in mind, Isabel Hickey’s words ring true when describing the essence of the Moon in combat with Uranus: “Sudden and unpredictable emotional storms can raise havoc with life...Strong self-will and unwillingness to be bound by moral principles can cause much suffering...” (Astrology: A Cosmic Science, p. 215).
The thing is, there’s no cure for rebellion, no quick fix for long-bottled resentments. So it’s high time we send a smoke signal to all the Witch Doctors and Doctor Pimple Poppers we’ve got on speed dial for some much-needed support. Whatever works--that’s the Aquarius motto (one of many of course; they often rotate daily). But the metaphor is obvious: whether it’s a pimple in need of popping or something more Voo Doo-esque depends on who you are and your current situation.
However, it’s crucial to remember that the perverse beauty of Aquarius lies in the purity of its desire to Experiment. Whole-heartedly, that is, because, like all planets as tightly aspected to Uranus are, this Sturgeon Moon’s purpose is to highlight that the ostensible point of contention usually belies the (unexpected?) potential for breaking ourselves out of ruts both actual and perceived—a rare opportunity indeed.
Any outbursts may ultimately be for the best in the long run, even if there is potential for conflict in the here, there and now. Either way, haste makes waste when it comes to relationships this month. But if you’re worried about Truths emerging? You’ll hear about it., or it’ll hear about you (no way to tell with Uranus in the mix). Reconciliation though? That you probably won’t see, just yet.
Mars in Aries Square Jupiter in Capricorn: Truth or Dare
In addition to the Sun-Moon-Uranus triumvirate of explosive conflict, Mars is strong in the sign it rules, Aries, and may get overly cocky, picking an open fight with Jupiter in Capricorn, inadvertently assisting the Moon in Aquarius’ infamous drive for nothing but the cold, hard facts.
Mars loves hard work, and in this case pressures normally-confident Jupiter, currently in its Fall in Capricorn, to come clean when it comes to surreptitious motives or subterfuge and instead just “let it out,” with the goal of leaving behind lingering tensions. Mars makes Jupiter uncomfortable, and isn’t trying to keep it a secret either. In fact, Mars wants Jupiter in Capricorn to “fess up,” pressing secrets, bad behavior or even long-term manipulations to the surface.
Look. I know Sagittarius typically gets the bad rap of being the Zodiac’s premier “Blurter.” But Aquarius and Gemini? Both not far behind. The usually-unconscious belief behind this is that OF COURSE the Truth is going to come out. Doesn’t it always eventually, anyway?
If you believe this is merely a justification for what some might call verbal diarrhea, how do you explain the fact that the compulsion to communicate is essentially a healthy one, and in fact doesn’t serve us best when bottled up, saved for a later, more intense uproar?
I mean, is it okay to hurt someone? No, not really, not technically, no. But if you realize the effects of your actions and are willing and able to make it right? That shows integrity and maturity, qualities anyone with Aquarius Sun, Moon or Rising will tell you are of utmost value to them. Aquarius is very much an adherent to the “better late than never” philosophy of (interpersonal) existence, integrity-obsessed to the point where they often end up getting themselves in hot water.
Another Aquarius paradox (who knew) is that they hold themselves to extremely harsh, often impossible standards of perfection yet are known for their strangely strident belief in fairness, which for them implies necessitates the giving of requisite second chances to anyone and everyone, should the occasion arise.
But just as Mars in Aries finally gets Jupiter in Capricorn to put its cards on the table, Saturn steps in and puts fear and doubt in our minds, making us feel (yet again) tongue-tied. Mercury in tender Cancer and Venus conjunct the North Node in Gemini form tight, tense aspects to Saturn in Capricorn, amplifying the dual pressure to pursue Truth yet somehow turn away, as if staying mum about our decisions or plans or desires will somehow make the Communication Challenge disappear.
For better or worse, though, burying your head in the sand isn’t much of an option on the, ahem, limited menu provided by this Full Moon. The Moon is in Aquarius after all, and with the Ascendant in Libra, plus Venus in fellow Air sign Gemini? The way important conversations go will be determined by just how able we are to be OKAY WITH BEING WRONG.
There is so much fear of the Truth at this Full Moon, yet we find it foisted upon us. And if our fear of talking about it out in the open and exposing it to the air takes over, our ability to address whatever wounds lurk beneath the collective Flail we find ourselves in at the moment directly diminishes the chances of it healing
Venus in Gemini Inconjunct Saturn: Socially Awkward
With the inconjunct aspect between Venus and Saturn and the opposition between Mercury and Saturn, it’s clear that Communication—a theme that continues to pop up again and again, it seems, in all the Lunations of 2020—is highlighted and that connection with our immediate environment is key to moving forward. However, it’s as if Saturn in Capricorn seems to require communication yet somehow prohibit it simultaneously.
With Venus in Gemini, finally out of its post-Retrograde shadow and moving full speed ahead, at an awkward angle to Saturn in Capricorn, it’s clear that we feel burdened or possibly paranoid in our relationships with family members, siblings, with roommates or a partner. Venus in Gemini conjunct the North Node shows that the future of our relationships depends to some extent on our ability to free ourselves from whatever restrictions (or expectations) have become the norm of late.
With Saturn in the 4th house of the chart, there’s a decision that has to made when it comes to splitting our time—how much to give when it comes to the demands for personal security and the urgent need to deal with domestic or home and family-related matters, Mercury in Cancer on the opposite end of the chart signals the competing need to pay just as much attention to nurturing our futures, goals and communicating about our personal plans for forward motion.
But again, Venus in Gemini is impatient, and there’s a need to make adjustments to our daily routines and the way we spend our time as Fall approaches and the uncertainty of the coming year when it comes to work or school begs the question: how long can we continue?
Both the Cancer New Moon on July 20 and today’s corresponding Full Moon in Aquarius contain harsh aspects from Saturn to the inner (personal) planets and/or angles of the chart. It’s like demanding we make a decision blindfolded, without any information or the time we need to both put professional plans and fresh creative ventures into the ether while attempting to tend to whatever problems (read: responsibilities) our domestic life (or those in our immediate environment) demand.
With this in mind, putting others’ needs before your own isn’t the wisest of choices with this Full Moon, as its challenging aspects to Uranus in Taurus in addition to Saturn’s harsh angles to both Venus and Mercury, both fresh out of their respective Retrograde shadow phases, spell one word: SELFISH.
This Full Moon demands a decision and it’s a noticeably, well, selfish Full Moon chart. Yet it’s crucial to keep in mind that being selfish doesn’t have to mean acting out (or lashing out) against others. So before you blow up at a partner, roommate or random family member out of sheer frustration, it might be helpful to think about HOW you want to communicate whatever (selfish) decision you need to make right now. Because it’s not so much that we haven’t made a decision, but we’re acutely aware that things “cannot go on like this” very much longer.
According to Robert Pelletier, this Venus inconjunct Saturn describes the feeling “...that other people always want you to do something for them, and you resent it. Actually, you overreact, assuming they want more from you than they do. If you think about it, all you owe anybody else is tolerance and respect” (Planets in Aspect, pp. 252-253).
Such “people” are likely to include both work associates and family members alike, as the demand on our time with Saturn opposite Mercury and the feeling of awkwardness when it comes to basic social interactions is overwhelming.
Playful Venus in Gemini (conjunct the North Node) wants to play with new routines and environments and plan day trips in the Sun; Mercury in Cancer at the top of the chart wants to conjure up and communicate its colorful visions re: plans for career success.
But Saturn in Capricorn is the staunch disciplinarian, putting both planets in their places, making the joy that comes from spontaneous fun and the comforting feeling of meeting our need for material security seem equally unattainable—or rather, that one has to be sacrificed in favor of the other?
Luckily and unluckily, Saturn opposing Mercury brings us back down to Earth and helps us slow down long enough to make some modicum of sense out of the emotional chaos fogging up our atmospheres, despite the fact that we’re likely to feel like we’re both flying high and running on E—E as in Empty—re: our physical energy.
On a practical level, it could involve a decision needing to be made on where to live in the coming months and what we need from our immediate environments is on the forefront of our horizons at this Full Moon. What if you’d planned to move in with a sibling or someone you’re dating only to realize that you now all of a sudden (Uranus) you can’t function anymore without a full-blown home office?
With Uranus in Taurus, the upheaval could easily involve a tense conversation or argument concerning cash flow. Maybe your unemployment income suddenly stops and you find yourself impulsively grasping at straw-shaped food stamps; or you realize you’re at your breaking point when it comes to covering the expenses (or emotions) of siblings, roommates, friends, family members and significant others alike.
Whatever your situation, should you find yourself entangled in what feels like a romantic or financial risk, just avoid it. Just run away right now. Because anyone looking to win big or push their luck in the slightest will be kept in line by Saturn later on in the evening, after the Full Moon in Aquarius has reached its peak.
Mars in Aries and Jupiter in Capricorn in staunch disagreement and Neptune in the chart’s 5th house mean you’ll surely overplay your hand, hedge your bets, and maybe even be tempted to count cards (don’t). Why? Because, wherever the focus is on the sign of Aquarius, as it is with this Full Moon of 2020, it’s as if there’s always someone watching, like we know it’s just a matter of time before we get caught, found out, et al.
Aquarius is like the Superego of the Zodiac, constantly pushing everyone else to play fair and be at their best—because this is the standard they hold themselves to. Take Michael Jordan. What other sign would decide to channel their entire force of will (Uranus) into putting a ball into a basket—in the most amazing and perfect way possible. Only Aquarius (shakes head).
That said, though, Aquarius’ love of testing their limits (and usually those of close others) and seemingly incontrovertible aversion to rules and authority, preferring to create their own weird reality in a room of one’s own. But it’s not until they learn the value of the team that Aquarius is able to fully succeed.
Anyway, the main thing is knowing when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em, as they say. That’s the theme of this explosive yet oddly restrictive paradox of a Full Moon in Aquarius. That, and learning how to communicate without barking orders, jumping to impulsive words or actions due to fear of rejection, or possibly even hurtling to wildly negative conclusions about someone or something in your world that makes you uneasy but you’d rather not think too deeply about it should it lose its number one function of, well, clouding your own tendency to projection or self-doubt?
Proverbial “doormats” though they sometimes appear in public, all Aquarians (underneath) live by their own unique, near-masochistic set of internal Absolutes (read: Impossible Standards) for themselves.
This Full Moon is the epitome of that never-ending Aquarius Paradox, hyper-aware of the gray area of life in its most abstract sense yet decidedly “black and white” if not seemingly detached in their approach to emotions.
With Aquarius it’s always a game of all or nothing—so there’d better be no hedging of emotional or financial bets when the moment comes to, ahem, self-express.
Okay, so if you want to “win” at this Full Moon, practice forgiveness and transparency rather than shy away unnecessarily in your communications with others (not easy, since we’re all feeling resentful to some degree at present).
Yet no matter what speed bumps the Sun and Moon in tension with Uranus bring? The Leo Sun is King. This means being magnanimous yet humble as you maneuver unsteadily out of (or away from) lingering resentments gathering dust in the corner and into new as yet uncharted social, professional and relationship waters.
Breaking free while respecting the rules does sound contradictory. But so is Aquarius. And with a Full Moon in Aquarius? Sincerity takes all, in the end.