Pink Full Moon in Libra, April 7, 2020.
They say that times of crisis—or in this case, full-on Quarantine—bring out the best and worst in people...But regardless of “they,” at least that’s what I’m saying anyway, as the Full Moon in Libra tonight at 10:53 PM (EDT) is a big fat reminder of our need for social contact—a need most of us have needed to suppress of late.
Though rapidly changing circumstances have in many cases demanded we suppress this need of late, what began as a surreal period of adjustment—like some absurd social experiment we didn’t agree to—has taken us from one extreme (survival) to the stark realization of just how apocalyptic the prospect of a prolonged future of never-ending isolation can get.
Over the past two weeks, for instance, unless you’re one of the brave souls working “on the front lines,” the rest of us are either working remotely or being forced to the sidelines as unemployment rates continue to reach record highs.
Libra relies on contact with others needs a significant other and/or social circle (preferably both, and preferably at the same time) to survive, and requires regular (if not daily) contact with a significant other and/or social circle (preferably both, and preferably at the same time) in order to thrive.
So as we face the reality of life without the job we’ve come to rely on and finish ordering up what’s left of the Clorox wipes, it’s almost like the recent transition from Social Distancing to Complete Quarantine has kind of crept up on us quietly, leaving us uncomfortably aware of the restrictions on our social and financial autonomy.
Venus Trine Mars-Saturn: Need for Social Contact
We’re feeling revved up romantically and socially with this combination, and while Venus trine Mars in Air signs Gemini and Aquarius, respectively, is a naturally intellectual and creative energy, there’s an undeniable need here to pick up the phone, get on social media and reach out to former flames, friends or like-minded others. Just be aware that we’re impulsive now, and might be needy as our need for social contact becomes insatiable.
Time can be an overlooked commodity, though with the current Quarantine and Social Distancing reaching an emotional peak in the days following the Libra Full Moon on April 7, it’s impossible not to notice that what may’ve began as a welcome period of quiet, whether at work or at home (or both), has quickly become a disquieting moment of enforced solitude.
What began as a fun foray into Zoom Calls, online workout classes and group FaceTime chats as we took a collective leap into testing the limits of social media and technology to connect, this Full Moon serves as a keen reminder that what we ultimately need are not cheap thrills but lasting ties to get through any lasting period of Quarantine.
But what feels like a sudden “full stop” (or at least a marked pause) allows us to realize just this. Though our freedom of movement is decidedly curtailed, it’s this restriction that gives room to discern, for instance, the difference between what’s “News” and what’s “Spam”—or, on a more personal level, those we can rely on vs. those we can’t.
This Full Moon in Libra is the first of marker of this ongoing theme, as we dive deeper into contemplating our romantic and social futures, first with Venus entering her pre-Retrograde shadow and then actual Retrograde period in Gemini, followed by a big Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5th.
Even these events are just the beginning of a Social Quarantine Summer, as there’s much more to come in 2020. But whatever happens is designed to point our attention at whatever to (in)dependency complexes need finally to be addressed.
Mars Square Uranus: Supermarket Sweep
Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus signals a similar need to discharge pent-up physical (and sexual) energy. But with Venus in Gemini trine Saturn, we’re subtly aware now that it’s best not to act on impulses but to build a social network that’ll benefit us not just in the moment but for the (un)foreseeable future. However, it’d be good to manage your expectations now for best results, as Mars-Uranus in Taurus creates a certain stubbornness when it comes to getting what we want.
If listening to those close to us has put us in a corner, or we’ve been absorbing negative thoughts, whether through News or Social Media or those in our immediate environments, it’s time to turn the volume down and listen to our inner selves. Or whoever it is that brings us joy, makes us laugh and forget about the current Disaster now. Because everyone needs a break.
So do yourself a favor and put all those Chicken Littles on pause, throw a stone into a wishing well and take a step back from the relationships you’ve been relying on too heavily to get through your day-to-day.
Being patient and kind might be challenging now but it’s truly a winning combination—one that’ll likely benefit you in both obvious ways by enhancing your connection with the world but enhancing your sense of security in the process. It may even attract material benefits to you that, though they may not manifest right away, are sure to show themselves down the road.
And if you find yourself filled with obsessive-compulsive frustration? Better turn off your phone, empty your shopping cart on Amazon, stop stocking up on toilet paper and liquor (trust me, you have enough)—in fact, go for a late night speed-walk (or two) and contemplate what kinds of connections you can make.
Mercury Sextile Jupiter-Pluto: Wealth of Opportunity
With Neptune in Pisces at the very bottom of the chart, we may feel like our foundations are crumbling—or at the very least being threatened by never-ending worry. Fortunately Mercury in Pisces forms a helpful angle to the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, offering opportunities to connect and communicate.
The connection of Mercury in Water sign Pisces to Jupiter-Pluto in Earthy Capricorn softens our ambitious, self-centered thinking, symbolizing the opportunity to use our imaginations and tap into our inner resourcefulness to paint a better picture for ourselves or someone else. But who we devote our time to is important to consider—especially if we don’t devote enough of it to ourselves.
Because even if we’re able to silence our own inner “stir-crazy,” Mercury’s position in this chart makes us overly-sensitive to the “crazy” of those around us. For instance, if listening to those close to you has left you feeling cornered or you’ve been absorbing the negative thoughts of others—through News, Social Media and those in our immediate environments.
We all need a break. So if you find yourself with too many Chicken Littles in your midst? It’s time to turn the volume down on them and tune into whoever brings you joy, makes you laugh and forget for a moment about the Coronavirus at hand.
Then throw a stone into a wishing well and take a step back from the relationships you’ve been relying on too (perhaps too heavily) to get through your day-to-day. Because it’s not just you believe me—everyone needs a break (from you) too.