Gemini New Moon, May 22, 2020 @ 1:39 pm (EDT).
On Friday May 22nd, there’s a New Moon in Gemini, filled with equal parts confusion and realism, as the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus (now Retrograde) all in the rational, fact-conscious Air sign Gemini encourage the latter while Neptune in Pisces—exactly square both Mercury and Venus Retrograde in this chart—encourages nebulous dreams and indulgence in fantasies of pastures even greener than those we may’ve been dreaming of at the Scorpio Full Moon two weeks ago.
Mercury-Venus (Retro) in Gemini: Sweet Little Lies
Mercury conjunct Venus in Gemini is the ultimate Peter Pan-Meets-Wendy aspect—there’s an instantaneous, manic-pixie-dreamboat situation happening here, with a shared interest in a shared adventure—or in this case, planning a great escape of some kind from the daily grind (aka House Arrest).
With Mercury conjunct Venus Retrograde in Gemini, we’re extremely witty and incredibly persuasive right now.
Words and dreams are the elixir of life now, and our ability to gently persuade others relies upon tapping into the collective moment of reverie.
Especially when it comes to convincing others to join in, it’d be best to confess when it comes to sharing your most clandestine “get out of dodge” fantasies, even if they do happen to feature former friends or romantic partners.
Why? Because people are more flexible and open-minded than ever—because we’re all quarantined (remember?).
So use this time to put yourself out there and see where you end up. Wherever our chats or casual conversations lead us now will certainly surprise us, and may say more than we think about where (or to whom) we find ourselves (unconsciously) looking for solace over the next few weeks.
Sun-Moon Square Neptune: (Guilty) Pleasure Tripping
The need to experience a “pleasure trip” of some kind is like oxygen that feeds your soul—and you do not want to experience it alone. Whether this is the “wisest” move or not, move we most certainly shall.
Like Peter Pan, whether it’s naivete, idealism or pure delusion/confusion that leads us down the Yellow Brick Road to Never Land, wherever we end up as we enter this particularly “fresh” lunar cycle will give us an important clue when it comes to not just where we want to be, but where we need to be in the years to come.
And, more importantly perhaps, as the heavy concentration of planets in the sign of Capricorn in recent years, which reached a peak in 2019, begins to slowly but steadily wane as we wade through the Quicksand of 2020.
Mercury-Venus (Retro) + Neptune in Pisces: To Deceive or Be Deceived?
Neptune in Pisces in the 7th house of any Astrology chart is a strong indicator of deception at the hands of a business partner or significant other.
This is because the 7th house has to do with our closest, one-on-one ties while Neptune symbolizes at its most basic level a sense of “Brain Fog” that’s powerful because it operates on such an unconscious level.
We do not have control over our Neptunian instincts because they infuse our behavior without our awareness—it’s as if whatever experiences we have now will feel like a beautiful dream that never happened.
A rather large caveat here: Mercury-Venus Retrograde at the very top of the chart is at a very tense aspect to Neptune (in the 7th house of “Significant Others” and All Things Partnership)—with each planet at exactly 20° of Gemini-Pisces.
What does this mean?
There’s a conflict between our imaginations and desires—particularly when it comes to love and romance—and the limits of reality is at the centerpoint of this pretty electric, possibly eccentric New Moon.
On one hand, Venus Retrograde conjunct Mercury in Gemini forming a tense relationship to Neptune in Pisces can be interpreted on a very basic level as: Disappointment in Love and Partnership.
But in reality this could mean many different things depending on your situation, particularly considering the collective restrictions of Social Distancing still in effect.
Much of what happens in the coming weeks will depend highly on how well we’re able to acknowledge and act upon the need to take care of our mental and emotional health moving forward.
It’s not about how much we can bottle but more about conquering our fears of reaching out, going out on a social or romantic limb without fear, offering an ear to others, mending broken fences and painting the roses RED.
Saturn in Aquarius: Mental Health Awareness Month
Fortunately, the New Moon at 2° Gemini is at an extremely supportive angle to Saturn at 1° of fellow Air sign, Aquarius. This aspect keeps our feed on the ground, at least to some extent.
Keeping expectations of any financial or romantic situation in check and releasing your carefully-curated Fantasy World in favor of being more open to others is almost an inevitability at this point.
Yet the Sun and Moon trine Saturn in Air signs Gemini and Aquarius implies speedy yet highly practical solutions to restrictions that crop up now, giving you permission to take calculated risks in the Real World.
Our current Venus Retrograde period along with this New Moon in Gemini shows a the reaching of a peak when it comes to the now-glaring need to recalibrate our social worlds.
So pay attention to realizations and follow your gut instincts, because whatever mental and emotional connectedness you’re lacking is activating your inner “Peter Pan.”
Whatever emotions come up and whatever seeds are planted following today’s New Moon in Gemini will come to fruition at the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5th.
The next couple weeks will mark the start of a major transition when it comes to your knee-jerk impulses, as we’ve become less compelled (or rather, restricted from) channeling all our bottled emotions and personal needs into “Work”—for better or worse.
On the one hand, it’s forced you to become more aware of the gaping holes or messes to be dealt with when it comes to your romantic and social life. But now it’s time to address the mess.
Those who’re able to release their fears, express what it is they want without manipulation, and find a partner in crime who’s on board to enjoy a brief respite without any goals or expectations will experience the greatest satisfaction now.
So being Peter Pan for a bit might just be the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down, as there’s a push to identify and relinquish whatever (emotional) baggage has been holding us back from acting on our latest & greatest romantic reverie. As long as you’re aware that you’re choosing this route and do not allow yourself to be swayed by the ideas of others against your will, then the question of deception may be best left unpondered—at least for the time being.
But—Can you (or anyone?) Maintain Self-Awareness in the Midst of a Fantasy?