The Astrological Modes—Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable—refine & define the expression of each Zodiac Sign.
In fact, it’s the combination of Element and Mode that makes each Sign unique, as the Mode filters the way the Elements—Earth, Air, Water & Fire—manifest in the personality.
While Signs in the same Element are fundamentally compatible energies, Signs in the same Mode are attractive to us because of the learning we experience through conflict of will.
Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Cardinal signs are defined by a dynamic, take charge approach to life: the “get up and go” type, the proverbial cruise director, never hesitating to take the lead in any situation. They are the “doers” of the zodiac. Rarely bored (or at least, rarely idle), starting a project from scratch is what motivates them, with most days are spent in a flurry of activity of one kind or another. “Assertive” is the name of the game. Cardinal signs act first and talk later, not wanting anything to stand in the way of forward motion.
Apart from the obligatory disco nap, they don’t like to settle down or even be alone for too long, needing to feel the constant pulse of the collective hustle and bustle. The only potential pitfall is when the hustle consumes them to the point where the “doing” eclipses the thinking. With so much energy for starting new projects, this “headfirst” approach can lead them to bite off more than they can psychologically, emotionally (and sometimes even physically) chew.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Fixity is defined by strength of will. Fixed signs are the organizers of the zodiac, seeing endeavors through to the very end.
Those with many planets in Fixed signs are reservoirs of artistic talent and ability. Not exactly the “go with the flow” type, change is not easy for the Fixed type.
The flip side of this is that any type of commitment is not taken lightly, as persistence and loyalty are their defining traits. Fixed signs are especially obsessive when it comes to planning: control freaks to the core, they want to analyze every possible contingency before agreeing to anything.
Though it can seem just plain contrariness on the surface, their obsessive-compulsive tendencies combined with a long-range view of things can be a considerable advantage.
Yet determined and single-minded (read: stubborn) as they are, they can enjoy longevity in their success and often achieve their goals. As a result, while they certainly like to relax and enjoy life, when it comes to work they are deeply devoted to their personal projects.
Fixed signs represent power, so it’s important that these signs use their power constructively (controlling their own behavior) rather than destructively (controlling the behavior of others) in order to avoid negative karma.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Philosophical (or at least curious) by nature, Mutable signs are concerned primarily with communication, relationships and the exchange of ideas.
The nature of Mutable signs is easygoing, open-minded and readily adaptable to new environments and circumstances.
While this malleability is in many ways an asset that helps the person to evolve and grow, it can lead to a pervasive sense of indecisiveness and uncertainty that at times leaves the individual feeling perpetually restless and without a clear sense of direction. This is one of the reasons that they love the feeling of belonging to some kind of larger group, cause or ideology.
One of the singular assets of Mutable signs is the ability to experiment; they are not afraid to live life through an experiential approach, trying on different identities to see what fits.
Those with highly Mutable charts need to watch that they do not give up too easily on their personal plans or projects, drifting from one idea to the next, hatching scheme after scheme without considering long-term results.
In some cases, Mutable signs attract dominant partners, as they unconsciously adopt the goals of others as their own; or, alternatively, they may define themselves through helping a significant other reach his or her goal.