Astrological Consultations ByAlyssa
New York Astrologer Alyssa Landers
A birth chart shows only the life potential of the individual. As a modern astrologer, I believe that free will is essential in determining how the configurations in your chart play out in the context of your life.
The purpose of astrological consultation is to guide you to a place of greater self-awareness by highlighting your unique personality while exploring strategies that allow you to express your natal potential in the most constructive way possible.
With Gemini Sun Donald Trump, everything is a game of performance and trickery, making his audience think they’ve won the Golden Ticket when in fact they’ve won, well, nothing. So Libra Sun Kamala’s got to get comfortable in the role of Performer, not Professional, if she’s going to beat Trump in the debates. That said, the best asset for Kamala is her Aries Moon. Confidence is the name of Aries’ game, and no sign hates to lose more than Aries. So surely she’ll have at least one ace up her sleeve—no matter what Willy Wonka throws her way.