Baby’s First Birth Chart

baby astrology reading gift
baby astrology reading gift

Baby’s First Birth Chart


The birth chart is a map of the planets at the exact time we were born, revealing the depth of our potential. As a parent, it can be confusing at times to see our children as the unique beings they are, without all the “coulds” and “shoulds” of parenting.

The best part about this reading? There’s no “bad” here! This reading is all about positivity: let’s discuss your child’s potential and how you can nurture it. What you can do to help encourage their growth in a way that strengths the parent-child bond while honoring their uniqueness? Only an open-minded look at who your child is and how you can help them grow.

1 - 1.5 hrs. All Sessions conducted via Zoom and/or Google Meetings. Note: This consultation type is designed for parents and may be given as a gift as well. Gift orders never expire.

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